Tuesday, July 17, 2007


its boring! and i really fell asleep.. dont know what DIM SUN DOLLIES arh? its boring

hmm.. HAVENT EVEN STARTED. = =''..

hmm.. nothing much?


err.. didnt really pay much attention as friends are saying GHOST STORIES xD. lols..

okay.. i seriously[seriously] fell asleep! and i even DREAMT! lols. cool. then the bloody teacher woke me up.. asshole.. no manners arh? people sleeping should not disturb right? = =''
so yea.. never do the COMPO. LAME. then she say if today never pass up then minus ONE MARK. tomorrow pass up MINUS TWO MARKS. FREAKING STUPID RIGHT?
like that MIGHT AS WELL DONT PASS UP . asshole

okay lah.. went to com lab. then.. of course use com. hehes. 3/4 of the class is not paying attention :DD. busy surfing the net. hahas

got SJ...
hmm.. still ok lah.. dont really wish to talk about it.
oh yah.. the MAM got come lah.. sian.
then foot-drill foot-drill.. got practice our PN dance.
then.. foot-drill foot-drill..
hmm.. then is NDP training.. seriously suck.
serious.. everybody is not happy at all.. maybe?

then band got play the instument..then need to BELOK mah..
the freaking mam say they 4 rank also can BELOK until so good?
COME ON LAH.. what you talking? they do the BELOK is ROUND de ok?
OURS LEI? 90 DEGREES LEI.. asshole.. think before you say shit can?


then go home....

YAH YAH YAH! okok. here goes

when we were waiting for the MRT,then come liao. LOLs. what i talking?
okok. so before we went in,i saw this guy KEEP on looking at us SJ.
then was thinking'look what look??' lols..
so when everyone was inside,it was noisy! cause of US!! XDDDDD
then vanessa point at the guy

vanessa : eh.you know that guy with crumple bag? [havent say finish]
me :yah? the bag nice meh? = =''
vanessa: huh? no lah that GUY, is my NEIGHBOUR
me :HUH?! that means he is OUR SIR LAH?!?!
vanessa: *nod heads* hahas. yah.

omg? LOLs. then when say finish, i look at the guy,then he look at me, then laugh. LOLs.so funny lah! soquickly tell ZAHIN and the rest.
cause when tell him got one guy here is our sir, he keep on SHOUT 'WHERE WHERE?!'
wah lao.. its paiseh lah.. hahas. then i say the guy who is BLUSHING!! hahas. then finally he saw liao xD.

okay okay. end here. byebye :D

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