Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hi anyone who bothers to read!

Apparently this is a really dusty blog. Been pretty busy so far; Work, work, work, church, work.
Good news to myself is that I only left 1 more month in my job, cant wait to get out and get back to my life!
Bad news to myself is that I only bought one dress for Cny -_-. Yes, oh no. The deadline is next week!!!
Another good news to myself..... NEW FURNITURES ON THE 27! Yes, I'm really excited for new changes that is going to be made in my room. Whew, good bye 10 years ago furnitures.

Apparently there are stuffs that were lined up for me; new school(results on posting out tomorrow), birthdays etc.

Gotta go now, I'm being defiant by posting this while I'm suppose to be working!

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